Friday, January 28, 2011

How To Fix The Genie Acsdg

Palindromes 'The Great Gatsby' or loneliness glamorous

F. Scott Fitzgerald
' Each person assumes control of at least one of lasvirtudes cardinal, and this is mine: I am one of the few men ever known honradosque' . confessed So the character of the narrator of a novel time I visit cadacierto taste of music lover, so to speak (because addiction nearest encuentrootra and inexplicable that gives the music). Literature is a kind of straw mentalporque is a solitary pleasure. Esindispensable the absence of company, absolute quietness laconcentración and infinite patience to enjoy it thoroughly and of course, are elmejor time late at night and the complicity of insomniocuando the mind is more lucid than ever.

Inconscientementesabemos to watch TV to kill time, to spend hours sinesfuerzo, but the reading is almost suicidal because it implies consumirnoscon time. TV shows much, but teaches little. The lecturapuede unpleasant or allow unlimited fantasizing, but in no case nosdeja indifferent or without learning.

Scott Fitzgerald, the writer most typical GeneraciónPerdida , offers us the portrait of a lonely bitter hopeless, a Selfman enigmatic, the story of a reclusive aristocratic air that gives regard to the Treaty of 'old friend' to a stranger, whose merit is just haberllegado the neighborhood, as if he sensed the complicity or esteúltimo honesty.

privileged Gatsby unfortunate. A young man, rich and handsome Fumes may have had women who wanted, yet only ambicionabauna, the first 'good girl' he had known. At the time of 'LeySeca', a new breed of affluent homeowners, who do not know folklore work hard to reach positions of privilege. Einescrupulosa ambitious people who carved out his fortune in illegal activities as smuggling delicor. And of course, many of these new rich intentionality deescalar socially organized to showcase their magnificent finery frívolagenerosidad.

Imaginaosmansiones luxurious guest veraniegasrepletas festivals, orchestras in the middle of the golden age of jazz. Elanfitrión that walks shaken and mixed among the guests yarribistas, because although everyone had heard of it, very few habíantenido the privilege of knowing him personally.

spite of all the opulence and paraphernalia around him, Gatsby is a stoic encierta way of destiny, though it may seem contradictory. Sucomportamiento generous with others sought may earn respect his, but his cryptic personality was merely leyendasmalintencionadas feed on him. Not having a past, a story behind susacciones, sooner or later leads to an inevitable consequence, the loneliness, absolute lavacuidad. Although Gatsby, knowing dying yresignación humbly accepts his fate, want HOWEVER, more than anyone the presence of friends at his funeral and a anhelodesgarrador pleads 'Look, old chap, you have to get someone. You must make the effort. I can not past them up testing only '.

It is supremely ironic and disturbing, ending in the most desperate, with no more company than his 'old friend', when everyone was dying to go to their parties, in the end nobody Seacord him.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Kaiser Germanyfigurines-wwii -ww2 -william

The judge knows everything. I have a vote

He leído varias veces la declaración que nuestra Excma.  realizo en los juzgados y que nos narran en el Periódico Extremadura.
Según este medio, la Excma. Se defiende diciendo que el Interventor no hizo bien su trabajo, porque no puso reparos. No entiendo que quiere decir con que no puso reparos ¿que no se parapeto en su despacho y defendió sus observaciones con uñas y dientes? Vamos que toca echar más mierda a un trabajador que ha obtenido su puesto por meritos y no por carnet político,  y mientras que unos entran y salen el seguirá en su puesto.
Very strong and very heavy the phrase "we have always worked alongside current legislation, beloved Hon. Is the rehearsing in front of the mirror for extra packing the matter?

you briefly explain, remember many years ago when it was almost fun Emilio Aragón and followed a white line, because justice is the same is a line if you go to the left of the line and you are not following the guidelines set out the law, the same is true if you do it on the right side. Always on top of the line, or a little something to the left or right because we say that you are illegal. Do you understand the concept? I hope so.
Another explanation, over a HE. There are higher powers and I do not mean the divine, as I imagine you know that the Executive, Legislative and Judicial. The latter is independent, that is not paying homage or mayors, or other beings concejalillos or equivalent.
Like bears, they answer to a judge who already knew the answer than you questioned is your ego, your pride, you do not know-how have led you to have to testify in court. Are you sure what world you live Hon.?
We also have our word that the secretary was giving him the button and digitally signed everything, absolutely everything. "So you that are in the office? If you do not bother to read the documents, a software firm is it just the salary you're getting?
The charges carry their burdens and responsibilities and is responsible for signing documents at City Hall is the mayor, even computer system exists, there are professions that are charged a plus for dangerousness, by contagion, by night, etc.. In your case, Hon. Maximum representation Placentino Hall is held in every way.

miss your palm to cut output Court, where those with whom you took four tables on a terrace and you together reeds tomabais Where are they now?
And finally view surveys or introduce you still think there will be some head thinking to tell you it's time to go home.