I was wandering by the Spains, living my personal sambenito to adapt to the customs Iberian, including ham and baguette. Olive oil and cat devoured me before when I was a kid, pure tin small, think Borges brand, much like a can of condensed milk. And of course, learning new words like that fabulous and overwhelming ' slot' (read: games). Between top and skewer (poor substitute Argentine barbecue) acclimated my throat wine Rioja-rough but good-no longer 'between San Juan and Mendoza' as we say here when we are toned. That for the body. But food for the spirit was more difficult to find. So, bouncing between the TV and radio and asking some natives, I discovered that Julio Iglesias was relieved repertoire and grannies and Enriquito and goofy 'religious experience' only some quinceañeras grieved. Think that in Miami and Latin America, father and son, still up dust.
Excuse me beating about the bush, but films such as football matches slow to start or not? ... Ah music, feast for the spirit, divine treasure as youth, do not go never to return! ("My good friend Rubén Darío). There, locked in the apartment measured out the tedium and harshness of winter with some records of my saints: Soda Stereo, Eric Clapton, The Smiths and more. But monotheism can tire the better believer, so I took the duties and little by little I was unlocking the English musical spectrum.
Amen to remember old acquaintances and catch new artists, at least in the category of rock, discovered that, the 'Heroes' had fallen silent, but were legend, 'Celts' were no longer Short, the 'Social Security' had already retired and wondering cogitabundo because I knew so little about them . I know, I had become accustomed-the nefarious programmers FM-to Mecano, Duncan Dhu, La Union and their accomplices Movida Madrilena, which, moreover, are not bad but in essence little or no rock . Forgive my poor knowledge of English music, but I want to justify, as a Latino I am fiercely invaded by American rock, rock boring by mercenary Maná, nostalgic for the once good Argentine rock and stop counting. In Spain I came the echoes of the Bose, the Alejandro Sanz, the Bisbal, the Ear of Van Gogh and other canned sparkling, but odds as my musical culture.
Zambulléndome among other genres for me, something unknown, I found pleasantly old legends like 'The Secret' (and there will be opportunity to talk about them), innovators' Fito y Fitipaldis' a trova singer, Ismael Serrano forget-perhaps some others, I quote from memory, and how not to air pop rock flamenco ' The last in line' and better even of their leader, and as a soloist, Manolo García.
Sometimes we meet friends in a sort of night of drinking, which is reduced to a comfortable passenger compartment of a van, we have the old habit of listening to music that always brings back memories, which we commonly call classics. One of these colleagues have a habit of 'torture' over and over again his favorite subject Sting. Going to the case, I have a trio of songs that I like 'torture' but not explained, nor do I remember anything, perhaps something I evoke their atmospheres. These songs are: 'Dance me' of Leonard Cohen, ' Wonderful Tonight' Eric Clapton and Manolo García.
Although I discovered later, what is so special, this troubadour style of manners with an air of flamenco, very characteristic of the English people, with my reality, social and culturally distinct. Perhaps it is his lyrics, while daily as unexplained or surreal. This guy sings with a voice of a lone traveler known defeat, in a tone at once nostalgic and abandonment, with a tone as if exhausted drawl, with the feeling of a body reduced to a pile of bones , aware that they have been the soul. Accordion and guitar are (painfully) hand while listening to the chorus 'now the wind when the sea was a long time away' , beautiful metaphor that sometimes luck is smiling on us when you no longer need or it is too later.
is no coincidence that the great artists as they experience weighs on the shoulders, leaving the style and often cheerful surface of more years boys. Although many do not like, I prefer the darkness and sadness of some letters lyrics chords cheerful but empty of youth. I say this because I do not like very much 'The last of the row', but I love the style of Manolo slow as an old wolf of the sea.
The day I bought my first car, go to any machine anywhere, enjoying ' clay birds' galore ... yes until exhaustion. I can not think of a better place or better time to listen to driving alone on a lonely road. And to hell with everything else! (Pardon me).
Ah, if this were not enough, this guy also paints and does not do badly, since childhood, they say. You see! ... In the end I lost time because I have not talked about Manolo Garcia, but this good man with a sad, to have written a song just earned my respect.
My tour of Spain, not only helped me to know some cities and towns but also to closely observe the local customs, some healthy, some strange or shocking as that inexplicable ' come, until then' when someone is dismissed and one was the early days of stone-faced. It would be easy for me-only-be praise or free rant against the motherland, a concept that many Latin Americans harbor high because we were taught at school, but never fully understood. Never mind, I'm going to 'wet', but run the risk of cross out of me whatever.
English I read somewhere (here's ), Spain is a country of waiters and bar, which no longer true. A notable English inclination go through every day somewhere for coffee or a cane ( beer) and enjoy a lid or a skewer , custom sound and perfectly understandable, which falls heavy and shocking is the environment too noisy bars, listening to the talk of the neighbor, sometimes almost shouting as if they scold each other. On the other hand, it is shameful and disgusting show that Latinos are drinking 'till the bars' in squares and parks of English cities. I remember that social drinking in Latin America is synonymous with manhood or maturity, right?
The second thing that draws attention, both on the street and on television, is released naturally tacos (expletives) to bulk, even lying to 'our mother'. In America you can take a beating or sewing shot if you mess with somebody's mother.
This industry standard incomprehensible, canned tuna packed tiny, not even enough for the cat. Know this better than anyone, Peru, Ecuador and Chile.
bread it produced mainly in long bar (the next day is almost inedible) or whether in the form of large disk. I like my bread individually as craft or crispy French bread.
they call 'banana' the fruit from Latin and "banana" to the Canaries from, is it to protect their appellation of origin?
The taste of gazpacho (salted drink made with vegetables, garlic and other seasonings) than English is a summer drink, but most Latinos is the idea that it is a cold soup is not very pleasant. Not so the red summer, the iced tea, horchata Valencia (the latter, the real vice of mine).
Latin Americans, especially the Caribbean can not live without their music at full volume all day without saving illustrious consideration for flats or apartments neighbors. Wisely, the vast majority of English is impervious to hip hop, cumbia cheap, bachata boring (except the Juan Luis Guerra is fine) and that crap called reggaeton.
The incomprehensible government policy to double all the films and series in other languages \u200b\u200bto Castilian, while in Portugal and other European countries only bend audiovisual products for children. I have nothing against dubbing, but the ears of a Latino is tiring and frustrating to hear the same voices, often overreacted and have no connection with the characters. Surely many English Latino dislike dubbing, but at least we can select channels in the original and not only on cable channels. And yet, as an anecdote, it is curious to hear funny when spoken English speakers of English names or terms, I come to mind the words' espiderman 'or' wifi ', but when they speak of the telephone company' Orange 'orange nobody says literally. I do not think that the English citizen be lazy or unwilling to learn other languages, but is spoiled to the 'castellanización' of everything. What is the benefit of all this argument?, As simple, I can read and understand English without much difficulty and defend orally and all without going to any college or pay a hard , how?, Just listening to music, watching TV and subtitled films since I was a kid.
However, despite being one of the most important tourist destinations in the world, paradoxically English society is suspicious and closed to foreigners, there is little desire for integration into the local culture, I say this because I saw in Mallorca, with the treatment given to the guiris (German), while these good people should pay what they are and it ' to take the ass' . Another curious fact, the segregation in summer beaches: English on one side, German and English on the other hand, never together. Here in America, we "wait on" to receive with open arms and not just their dollars to the gringos (Yankees or European) and even if it hurts, our girls were stick like flies to honey, and vice versa, European prefer blondes our cholos before the 'white boys. "
But what is striking and is less understandable is the mutual distrust between Catalan, English, Basque, Galician and Andalusian. I have read numerous articles about the 'fifty Spains' trying to break down and shed light on the matter. In an area two times lower than that of Bolivia, is inexplicable atomization of political power, so dual functions, many regional parliaments, as many security forces, national police, civil guards and police autonomic and without the army, (when you have a bite or a procedure is not known where to turn). I see you, English and I notice that you are more or less the same facial features and the same culture with their nuances and I am unable to distinguish the 'nationality' or provenance, perhaps vaguely regional accent. Of course I say, compared to us, you are more similarities than differences. America except a few countries, is a real madhouse we live in a messy patchwork of conflicting ethnic groups, diverse cultures, religions and beliefs. In a vast territory, citizens, we Creole (descendants of Europeans), mestizos or cholos, afro and indigenous communities, most of the time does not mean we discriminate against each other for various reasons, but when fat or life problems have more unity and consciousness of nation in Spain. What Brazil is white, African, mestizo and Asian genuinely do not enjoy when sele ion cc football wins? Which does not happen in some regions of Spain when he plays 'The Red'.
Finally, I did not overlook the pleasant impression that I have produced the English woman, apart of Mediterranean beauty, has a powerful personality, strength of character and independence of man and has no major drawback in fighting for what you crave, including the man she likes. And would like some of us that our Latinas have the initiative. However many, it may seem somewhat harsh English accent, but in a woman's mouth, preferably with an Andalusian accent, is potentially attractive as it is for many English Argentine accent, but the rest of Latin kick us off like liver or not?
Film vs. Latin American customs Bolivian cult film "?
Desdeque premiered in 1925 'Heart aymara' , considered the first feature no less important Bolivian laproducción of "Wara Wara " (1929) key work in national silent film, a kind de'expresionismo to Bolivia ', however due to limitations-mainly-delay techniques, and technological, cultural and economic that boasted the most multicultural country in South America, the birthplace of folkloric most recalcitrant, little could be done to develop elséptimo art, despite that with the 1952 Revolution was created Film elInstituto Bolivia in a bid to promote the fledgling film industry, despite all this, much time and little celluloid hatranscurrido has run.
noteworthy Escasostítulos have populated the national film library, cutting produccionesmayoritariamente documentary. Distant, are those years in losque Bolivian cinema has produced a batch of good titles, perhaps Ladeco 90's was the most fruitful in terms of film big-budget, capable of lighting works are not exempt from quality, choice and commitment, that Yes, within yeconómicas technical limitations of our reality, but often it was referred to lafinanciación foreign agencies.
Rejoice or worse, film patriotic haseguido a path similar to the literature, it suffers from an excessive attachment to develop opredilección indigenous issues, local customs in an effort ofolclóricas claim the roots and values, circunstanciaque somehow undermined the possibility that our cinema is most famously international arenas, especially commercial, largely limiting its dissemination enfestivales specialized. Aúnasí gradually in recent decades has been changing that trend, following the participation of international producers and therefore elinvolucramiento of actors and actresses of prestige at home and abroad, providing them some films a glamorous able to compete with nearby cinemas.
Featured Filmmakers Jorge Sanjinés , the director's most successful international anivel, author of obrasclaves as: ‘El coraje del pueblo’ , ‘Yawar Mallku’ (Sangre de cóndor), obrapremiada en varios festivales internacionales, considerado uno de los mejoresfilmes latinoamericanos y según la Unesco elegida entre las 100 mejorespelículas de todos los tiempos. Posteriormenteha dirigido ‘Banderas del amanecer’ ‘La naciónclandestina’ y ‘ Para recibir el cantode los pájaros’ , este último un trabajo más bien críptico, digna de múltipleslecturas, pero no bien resuelta y que contó con la participación de lainternacional Geraldine Chaplin.
Jorge Ruiz, delcine documentary for national excellence, has produced 'Voices EARTH', 'The Window', 'Mina Alaska' and 'Back Sebastiana' , the latter considered by especialistascomo Bolivian cinema masterpiece.
Antonio Eguino , another great director, author of ' PuebloChico' and Chuquiago ' (a very well done portrait of the troubled sociedadpaceña) national cinema major titles, has recently directed 'The Andesno believe in God. "
Paolo Agazzi, an Italian based in Bolivia, hadirigido titles like, ' The hermanosCartagena' The deep road movie ' My partner' (remembered bellabanda by sound), then went 'The day silence died' yrecientemente the police thriller 'The robbery' , work of great calidadtécnica and excellent staging.
Marcos Loayza, led one of the movies Mascara by critics and the public, very successful for its visual richness, lacomedia manners ' Question of Faith'.
Juan Carlos Valdivia has directed two títulosimportantes, 'Jonah and the whale Pink' (tape failed, although visually appealing and elerotismo remembered for introducing the national cinema, as conservatism of Bolivian society) and 'American Visa' an odyssey adaptaciónsobre emigrating to the U.S.. and had the excellent performance delactor Demian Bichir Mexico in the lead role.
Noobstante the emergence of young talents in management, the produccióncinematográfica has slipped back into unestancamiento of which does not appear in more than a decade. After the creative boom of the nineties, laspropuestas risky and financing possibilities, the patriotic film havuelto your darkest hour, to a state of drowsiness that salirfácilmente can not and more so if we must add the little or no state support, máspreocupado in 'decolonizing' the minds of citizens. While tecnologíadigital has opened new possibilities, recent results have sidomediocres or of poor quality, unworthy to be minimally remarkable.
Inconclusion, Bolivian film has so little that instantly seconvierte in cult film or not?
References: bolivian history of cinema or - CONACINE
ever confessed in an article my penchant for black humor , very pocosescritores privilege because it is very complicated knit or weave stories that meet principal comoingrediente sarcasm and cruelty and what is absolutamentenecesario appropriate doses do not incur excess or lasuperficialidad.Fueron 'black comics' remarkable, Francisco de Quevedo, Jonathan Swift, Chamfort, including himself Dante whose sentence 'lasciateogni speranza voi che entrate' sums up this quality. But for some scholars, Maslucan of all, its unclassified and cruel blackness was the American Bierce.
Born in Ohio, within a strict Calvinist family humble ypor other large (it was the tenth child). The conditions in which they grew, overcrowding, poverty, isolation, poor education, as well as mandatory Bible reading dela, fed into it from an early age to lasreligiones fierce hatred toward his people and mankind in general, and quedefinió home as ' Home, bitterhome' (Home, bitter home).
participated in the Civil War, where elespectáculo terrible to see people killing each other intensified its ydesmoralizada sour view of humanity. It is said that exercised various trades to win her life: a worker, waiter bar, draftsman and later as articulistade several newspapers, a circumstance that enabled him to elaborate and publish susprimeros literary writings. Gradually became consolidated as a writer, becoming as recognized as another writer EdgarPoe damn, but unlike it, posterity terminóprácticamente by burial in oblivion.
Bierce, demonstrated through his writings, mostly letters enrelatos short, almost morbid predilection for the macabre and violentode human nature. As a way to exorcise his personal demons, he turned his misanthropy in separate accounts, including among others elparricidio literary misogyny and human pettiness, seasoned with unhumorismo fierce and unhealthy, gloating with satisfaction hurgauna Sanera whose sore but provided much elegance and literary expertise. Here algunasde their delirious definitions, drawn from his most important work, the 'Devil's Dictionary' :
Aboriginal s . Beings of little merit queentorpecen the floor of a newly discovered country. Soon cease to interfere, then fertilize.
Year s. previous three hundred sixty cincodesengaños.
back, s. cuerpode Part of a friend that one has the privilege of seeing in adversity
Historian, s. Gossip broad gauge.
Macho, s. Member sex negligible. Dela the male human species is generally known (for women) and gender Hombre.El Simple has two varieties: good providers and bad suppliers.
Medical, s. Someone súplicascuando we throw our sick and our dogs when we have healed.
Optimism, s. ocreencia Doctrine that everything is beautiful, including what is ugly, everything good, especially the bad, and all is well within what is wrong.
The divorciode his wife and later the death of his two sons in turbulent circumstances, ended porapesadumbrarlo and accentuate your malcarácter. At the beginning of old age that mexicanapara crossed the border to join the revolution PanchoVilla, where he disappeared forever without a trace. exclamadotiempo is said to have had back, as if sensing his legendary final "Vanish" in a civil war?, That is euthanasia! "
For others, say that I burn wishes to see that movie 'Gringo viejo' where Gregory Peck plays him as I read, superbly.
are already several years that scholars of the most prestigious film festival in the world, are eloquent examples of his wisdom or 'modernity' to award the prizes. To stay out of Honduras, speaking the higher weight category, the Gold Palm. In my young cinephile, due to the inaccessibility of films mainly from Europe or Asia to Latin Americans suffer enclosed in mountains and other Third World multinational, little could enjoy Cannes award winners. I come to mind magnificent films as "Orpheus black ',' The Tree of Wooden Clogs', 'The Tin Drum', 'The Leopard', 'Taxi Driver', all produced before he was born, however as I view them at any time seemed stale, outdated or boring for my age.
We thought some naive or made us believe that cinema was invented to evade reality, perhaps to live in a sort of charm that lasted an hour or two, or perhaps to forget that we are alone, each the maze but in the end alone. But reality always surpasses the imagination, boredom threatens to invade and are buffeted by the infamous realistic conditions which fall into the trap of 'award at Cannes', by the hand of an executioner named auteur, calved tinged with art or pretentious intellectuals.
said that the French festival, gradually becomes A council of megalomaniacs with a nervous tic or predisposition to reward work more cryptic, exotic or extravagant take notice of this advantage swarm its halls. Recent titles to which I could access particular: 'Sex, Lies and Videotape', 'Wild Heart', 'Elephant', -oddly all belonging to directors listed or identified as 'rare' (Soderbergh, David Lynch, Gus van Sant) - are redeemable movies, but in no case can match the magnificence of those listed above, which gives much to think about the turn of the helm that has been giving the French Academy. Among some success and other nonsense was some hope. Or so he thought.
Until I found the choice of 2010, a film beginning with the title, it sounds strange, "Uncle Boonmee remember their past lives" that in order to sell it, its great promoters have stamped a gigantic bait palm logo (at least for the Latin American version). Fell little round, not naive, but given the benefit of the doubt.
Entering the film, a few minutes becomes indigestible and soporific, with points which touch the invitation for a nap together crickets. And the first questions arise: What is lyrical, the ennui of a buffalo lost in the woods? Or the long shots of the night, as dark as its argument? Or a weary pace long walks of their players? Despite the headers that hit, I forced myself to your viewing as is the protagonist of the 'Clockwork Orange ' . The lack of a narrative thread, the constant cuts and alternating between the real and the phantasmagoric world eventually overwhelm the viewer more patient and thorough. I understand the paucity of dialogue and the expression of some Southeast Asian cultures, but why what we have to endure long silences lashes?
And pinnacle rave director, the scene near the waterfall between a princess and an aquatic creature, no doubt as to the very dream that neither Breton and his Surrealist court would have happened. I thought a well known English folk expression was merely a literary invention, is to be bud.
And I do not acuséis of ignorance or cultural intolerance cinephile not giving credence to this tape infumable, I tasted as lyrical as film 'Paris, Texas "by Wim Wenders ' Dersu Uzala ' and 'Rhapsody in August' both of Kurosawa, or film as dreamlike or surreal as 'Dead man', 'Santa Sangre' Jodorowsky or 'Blue Velvet' Lynch . film I have not much knowledge, but like in football, we do not need deep knowledge of technical direction to realize where the 'play' or bakes the best films.
And among much laughter and sentimentality popping film or film metaphysical exercises author, there is a place to film this spot, whose name I do not remember, or the unpronounceable name of its director, often climax.
smoked Recommended for past threads, intellectuals and believers smug 'story of Uncle' .