Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Do I Pay My Aetna Bill

the bitter inevitable

ever confessed in an article my penchant for black humor , very pocosescritores privilege because it is very complicated knit or weave stories that meet principal comoingrediente sarcasm and cruelty and what is absolutamentenecesario appropriate doses do not incur excess or lasuperficialidad.Fueron 'black comics' remarkable, Francisco de Quevedo, Jonathan Swift, Chamfort, including himself Dante whose sentence 'lasciateogni speranza voi che entrate' sums up this quality. But for some scholars, Maslucan of all, its unclassified and cruel blackness was the American Bierce.
Born in Ohio, within a strict Calvinist family humble ypor other large (it was the tenth child). The conditions in which they grew, overcrowding, poverty, isolation, poor education, as well as mandatory Bible reading dela, fed into it from an early age to lasreligiones fierce hatred toward his people and mankind in general, and quedefinió home as ' Home, bitterhome' (Home, bitter home).
participated in the Civil War, where elespectáculo terrible to see people killing each other intensified its ydesmoralizada sour view of humanity. It is said that exercised various trades to win her life: a worker, waiter bar, draftsman and later as articulistade several newspapers, a circumstance that enabled him to elaborate and publish susprimeros literary writings. Gradually became consolidated as a writer, becoming as recognized as another writer EdgarPoe damn, but unlike it, posterity terminóprácticamente by burial in oblivion.
Bierce, demonstrated through his writings, mostly letters enrelatos short, almost morbid predilection for the macabre and violentode human nature. As a way to exorcise his personal demons, he turned his misanthropy in separate accounts, including among others elparricidio literary misogyny and human pettiness, seasoned with unhumorismo fierce and unhealthy, gloating with satisfaction hurgauna Sanera whose sore but provided much elegance and literary expertise. Here algunasde their delirious definitions, drawn from his most important work, the 'Devil's Dictionary' :
Aboriginal s . Beings of little merit queentorpecen the floor of a newly discovered country. Soon cease to interfere, then fertilize.
Year s. previous three hundred sixty cincodesengaños.
back, s. cuerpode Part of a friend that one has the privilege of seeing in adversity
Historian, s. Gossip broad gauge.
Macho, s. Member sex negligible. Dela the male human species is generally known (for women) and gender Hombre.El Simple has two varieties: good providers and bad suppliers.
Medical, s. Someone súplicascuando we throw our sick and our dogs when we have healed.
Optimism, s. ocreencia Doctrine that everything is beautiful, including what is ugly, everything good, especially the bad, and all is well within what is wrong.
The divorciode his wife and later the death of his two sons in turbulent circumstances, ended porapesadumbrarlo and accentuate your malcarácter. At the beginning of old age that mexicanapara crossed the border to join the revolution PanchoVilla, where he disappeared forever without a trace. exclamadotiempo is said to have had back, as if sensing his legendary final "Vanish" in a civil war?, That is euthanasia! "
For others, say that I burn wishes to see that movie 'Gringo viejo' where Gregory Peck plays him as I read, superbly.


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