Monday, March 29, 2010

North Jersey Cruise Spots

euros. (I)

If Plasencia ojeamos see the daily news of more depth. the most important we talk about money, figures.
Today we say that the City will pay to the Little Sisters of the Poor 760,000 euros, or what is the same as a lot of money for a barbaric work, not its essence, if not the madness of making a (megacutre ) boulevard in an avenue without major de Plasencia, has been a waste of concrete and little else. It is an insult to good taste I think I'll stay intrigue always know who came up with such cutrez.
The Sisters of the Poor (what a paradox that name!) Say money is channeled from France, reminds me of those chains of hypermarkets in the country based Galo and we have representation in the city, sending the profits and here we are left with crumbs and some salary contracts painful worse.
Now if a family wants to go to live with the Sisters must be poor in spirit but with the kidney well covered, why not support a grandfather with 200 € for a pension. And if this were not enough not far behind when it comes to receive food from Food Bank wants to know the code that makes use of Google and will be surprised if we add the annual campaigns to write something for the old man (with pay) because someone can make a small idea of \u200b\u200bwhat they get for asking for that as my grandfather, it takes more to ask of giving and this would be one of those cases.
Someone may think they do is lawful, because yeah, but personally I like a lot to pay 760,000 euros. As part of these euros are going out of my house, my taxes and there is a situation that we might call social emergency, as many families with all members unemployed which do not enter any euro and where you are to seek life for bring a dish of food at home and these families do not have the fortune or misfortune of going to a mall to make their own commodity marketing.
I hope our Excellency rest at ease with his (megracutre) boulevard, one of his masterpieces and stupid, in a city where there are many needs and for instance in the same town hall social services there are many gaps, there are programs that are not may develop due to lack of financial means. The debt we will be at the Piacenza


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