Security Question. Seven truths
Yesterday we read in the media today that the local police headquarters Plasencia, breached safety standards. So? I I ask, is new in this city, I will not.
is clear that if someone does not know who can access a home used exclusively for the City and inflated to make calls right and left to and what I would give to see this facturita! Since we are surprised that our security is conspicuous by its absence in some local police departments. If we should not surprised or alarmed or if you want.
souls But what you expect of a pitcher of a person so void as our illustrious councilor that I can you ensure they do not know how or turn a personal computer. For me that this good lady read Home and directly down the stairs that separate his office from the street and plant it home employment waiting for something.
Piacenza How will you suffered this great professional ... Does this woman have a career? Well what we were going to pretend that we can not understand and realize that Councillor is a Health and Safety Plan. That as my grandmother's where there can not be removed! it is the case, which does not anymore. So states and remains as wide as saying the council is to blame for that has paid 85% of the works and has documented its power. But I still remember when we sold the work councilor saying and there will be a shooting gallery by the way they ran the shooting gallery.
Sorry for the local police, who ultimately will be the users of these facilities and they will have to suffer all these problems that have not been covered or repaired by technicians and other personnel imagine who registered his name with great pride in the project and making sure dough won a goose.
The Plasencia said here can expect anything, in what police headquarters There are local security flaws and nothing happens. Now if it were a private business, we would sing a different story. The poor fellow touch you were not going to let live. As an anecdote I had an employer that a routine visit to his business, Health asked even by the angle of flight of flies, pointing out that they were not right at the device approved exterminator, to which the employer replied flies are flies, yet the Health were not convinced.
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