Friday, July 25, 2008

Gator Birthday Wishes

Error Scores and donors understand and believe

note that one of the things that have caught the attention of readers is the description that makes Gonzalo Amaral markers gene found in the McCanns' car, and as this has not been admitted as evidence against them.

also said at various times of the investigation that there was evidence of mitochondrial DNA and cellular DNA. They are two different things.
Mitochondria are small parts inside the cell that contains only the DNA inherited from the mother. Not combined with the father, so it is useful to check motherhood. It is similar to the name, but in reverse. Say
Antonio Perez has two children with Isabel Garcia, her children will be Pedro Perez and Ana Perez. Disappearing the surname of the mother. At the same time Pedro Perez has a son with Maria Sanchez, called Miguel Perez. And Ana Perez has a son with Santiago Hernandez, called Felipe Sanchez.
As we see the name inherited from the mother would disappear in the next generaciƱon man inheriting the parent.
Vale, mitochondrial DNA is the same, but inheriting the characteristics of the mother.

Then there is the cellular DNA, which is the most used, and that is the one that contains all the genetic information necessary for the development of a new being from the moment of conception. This DNA is a genetic recombination of the characteristics of the father and mother. And the determination to judicial purposes is based on the statistical determination of how many people could share that DNA in the entire world population. We could say that if we dict statistic that combination would be shared by 1 in 25,000 million, being the current world population of 7000 million, one can say with an extremely high probability that the DNA belongs to a particular person.

However, tests which are carried out DNA tests are not perfect, and the thousands and thousands of alleles that could be analyzed, currently using 19.
I ask, you could use others? yes, of course, you could use either, but the tests are made to identify these 19. A few years ago
analyzed evidence 14 markers, then 17 and now sensitive maas 19, it is possible that in the future is standardized testing 25 markers, but is not currently available.

Well, what happens with these markers? By introducing the biological sample machine of any type whatsoever, tells us two facts, the position of the marker (marker number referred) and the value obtained.
If we were doing a paternity test, we should compare the test values \u200b\u200bof the parents with the child, and if these values \u200b\u200bdo not appear we would have a negative image.
But if what we are comparing with a sample dentification of the person, what we do is compare your markers, self

Let's take an example

introduce a machine with a blood sample from Kate and Gerry another, and another from a sample taken and the following occurs

Gerry Kate Madeleine results obtained
Marcador1 11/22 11/10/1913 11/13 10/13

conclusion for this marker: in the sample there is a bookmark, the 11/13 matching Madeleine's DNA, however, could also say that there is a 10/13 marker which coincides with Kate. This just shows us that may be blood from Madeleine (11/13) contaminated with his mother (10). Kate O blood (10/13) contaminated with Gerry (11) Gerry Kate Madeleine

Marker Results 2 8 / 7 21/16 8 / 16 8/7/16

Conclusion for this marker: in the sample There is a marker, 8 / 16 to match the DNA of Madeleine, however, we can also say that there is a marker 8 / 7 coincides with Gerry. This tells us that may be blood from Madeleine (8.16) contaminated with Gerry (7), or blood Gerry (8 / 7) contaminated with Kate (16)

Well, if we repeat this for 15 markers , logic tells us, and will reflect Amaral, or in that car that bled all over the world, and there is blood mixed with all or most logical thing is to assume that that was there is Madeleine, who is who agree IF the 15 markers.

JUSTICE tells us that if for each marker, there is a possibility of overlap with another family member, is wrong, that these markers are present, not being categorically the assertion that the vehicle is carried in the Madeleine.

you as a jury to be enough? I'm sure. For a prosecutor who has to go with it to trial, it is not. You decide


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